Our recruitment process is based on equal opportunity and is carried out according to the criteria in the Human Resources Regulation. Our goal is to bring the most suitable people to vacancies and positions. In this direction, job offers are made to the candidates whose characteristics most closely match the qualifications required by the job. Applications for relevant positions are received and evaluated on our website, on Kariyer.net and on social media channels.
Our interview process begins in line with your qualifications and vacancies. At the end of the first interviews conducted by the Human Resources Department, candidates who are evaluated positively in terms of corporate culture and suitability for the competencies required by the job are invited to the second interviews. After the successful completion of the interview phase, a job offer is made to the candidate.
The performances of our employees; It is monitored by a senior manager to whom it is affiliated for a whole year. Through mutual meetings and multi-faceted evaluations made at the end of the year, the realization rates of personal goals are determined depending on the employee’s performance and company goals.
Depending on the performance evaluations; Training and development plans are made in line with the needs of the individuals.